Thursday 2 October 2008


For my front cover i had to take 2 medium close up photographs using a digital camera, upload the 2 photos and then pick the best one to use as my background for the front cover. I had to make sure the person was standing within a suitable part of the college to insure there was suitable...because this would make the magazine seem tacky and unprofessional. I had to make sure the person in the photograph was looking directly at the camera.

The photo to the left is an example of one of my photos. I decided not to pick this one as the background was to plain.

The photograph to the right is the photo i have decided to use as my background on the front cover. I decided to use this photo as the background is clear and this photo is the right shot.

I created a flat plan to get an idea of the layout of my front cover. I did this on an A-4 piece of paper and scanned it into the computer. Here is a copy of my flat plan:

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